Thursday, October 25, 2007

Popcorn and Peanuts

We've been watching a lot of baseball in our house for the last couple of weeks. We're not afraid to say we're rooting for the Rockies, even though they're currently behind. The Red Sox are a good team, but it would be so great if the Rockies surprised the whole world and came out of nowhere to win the whole thing!

Last night we were watching game one of the World Series. Ladan pays attention to just about every detail. At some point, one of the players hocked a big one (you know, spit), and Ladan said, "Oh. He just spit out all his popcorn. That's funny." Of course, we laughed, which caused him to laugh at himself, which caused us to laugh even harder! We'll just let him think that the guy was spitting out popcorn. If we revealed the truth, he'd want to know exactly how the guy did it, and then he'd spend his afternoons practicing. I think I'll choose place kicking inside the house over that any day! He'll be spitting all over the ground soon enough!

I took the little peanut (Gabe) to the doctor last Thursday for his one year appointment... a few weeks late. He weighed 18 lbs. 8 oz., which is EXACTLY what Ladan weighed at that age. However, Gabe measured 29.75 inches long, whereas Ladan measured 31 inches. Overall, even though Gabe is only around the 5th percentile for his weight just like Ladan, it's spread out over fewer inches, so it's not as big a deal. He also has quite the appetite, which lowers the level of concern. He eats like a horse, but he seems to burn it off as soon as his feet or knees hit the floor. That kid is EVERYWHERE! I've had to put the pack-n-play out in the living room area during the day so that I can put him in it if I need to get something done without chasing him. He actually seems to enjoy it. Ladan has to have a turn every day too, which is kind of funny.

I actually think Gabe is going through some kind of a growth spurt, because he's been waking up sometimes in the night needing to eat, even after he eats massive amounts of food right before going to bed. For example, the other night, I fed him two containers of baby food vegetables and then a large bowl of oatmeal mixed with another jar of baby food fruit... and he ate it ALL. Today, I took him to another appointment, and with his clothes on, he weighed a pound more and measured 3/4 inch taller than last week. So it could have been his clothes or just the different scale... or he could have really gained a pound and grown .75 inches. Either way we look at it, he's a little peanut, and it's going to be a while before he gets to turn his carseat around and face the front.

Gabe is starting to develop a bit of separation anxiety. We still leave him, realizing that he'll get over it sooner if we just leave him and give him a chance to figure out that we're coming back.

Chet and I get to go out tomorrow night! We're taking advantage of the seminary Parents' Night Out, which should be fun.

Speaking of Chet, he's still doing really well this semester in his classes. His Hebrew class was getting a little bit behind schedule (because they only meet twice a week instead of 4x per week). In an effort to catch up a bit, his instructor has decided to eliminate the rest of their exams and use that time for instruction time. And, instead of having a quiz at the beginning of each class period, they will only have a quiz once a week. This will put more weight on each assignment (there's still an assignment due each time) and on their quizzes, but it will allow them to cover more material, which is a big relief for Chet. After all, if you're going to go on to the next level, it's a good idea to have covered all the concepts in the introductory course. He still has a whole ton of stuff to do by the end of the semester, but in just 5 weeks, he'll be finished with his hardest semester of school!

One of these days, I'll get a second to post a photo or two of Megan and Mike's wedding....

1 comment:

amberburger said...

Your brother and i were laughing out loud this morning thinking of Ladan saying that! That is Classic! I love it! It is also very funny to think of Ladan wanting in on some PacknPlay time! It sounds like little Gabe is much like little Titus was!!! could you imagine if when we use to get together when the boys were smaller, if both Titus and Ladan would have been all over the place explorers! AHHH! But isnt it so fun to watch Gabe explore and try all kinds of new things! I cant wait to see him again!