Monday, October 8, 2007

"There's a Clock in Your Watch It"

That's what Ladan says whenever he sees my watch. Hilarious!

On Friday, I was sitting out on the front stoop reading a book while he practiced his place kicking in the grass. After a while, he came over, sat down, propped his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees, and asked, "So, what are we doing?"

Our most recent favorite thing he says is, "Could you please put my moke [milk] in the frig-a-mator?"

He does a great job singing his ABC's now! He usually only misses a few letters. It goes something like this, "A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-J-L- -N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-P-W-X-Y-V", and when he's really on it, he says the Z correctly on the end. He gets so excited about everything he's learning!

I'm not normally away from the boys for longer than a few hours, so I don't tend to realize how quickly they really are learning new things. So this weekend, when I was away for three days, it became abundantly clear how much Ladan is soaking up in such a short time period!

Today marked the first day all week that Ladan hasn't screamed bloody murder at both his nap time and bed time because he's scared to go to sleep. For the last several nights, he's been startled awake by scary dreams, so he hasn't wanted to go to sleep in the first place. Thankfully, it seems like maybe he's over the worst of it. We'll see when 3am rolls around!

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