Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ladan's Prayers

This is a sample of the things Ladan has prayed over the course of the last couple nights...

Thank you that Connor is my friend.
Thank you that Connor likes me.
Thank you that I got to play in the basement.
Thank you that I got to jump on the trampoline.
Thank you that I got to sleep in David's bed.
Thank you that David was my age. (As in, David used to be Ladan's age at some point in his life)
Thank you that when I get older and get married I get to be in charge.
Thank you that our next house will have a basement. (See my last post for more on this.)
Thank you for the big Chelsea.
Thank you, God, that you do what you say.
Thank you that Mommy and Gabe and I got to play in the rain today.

I love to hear his heart when he's praying! With regard to his prayer thanking God that he will one day get to be in charge, I don't think he fully gets that he will be the leader of his home. However, he for sure knows he won't be in charge as long as he lives in our home. I'm fairly certain he thinks that he's going to live at home until he's married. He's only four, so we don't need to correct that just yet. I guess anything's possible, but some things aren't very likely.

Did you notice that he's starting to use proper grammar? He regularly says things like, "Gabe and I played with ____," or some other such sentence in which he can demonstrate that he knows how to use "I" and "me" properly. I don't know if someone else taught him these things, but we didn't take time out to do a lesson on it or anything. I guess he's just picking it up.

One more funny thing about Ladan.... He has started to notice traffic signs and be intrigued by learning traffic laws. Last night, when we picked the boys up from the Murrays' house, we were driving on a windy road with a few little hills. Ladan was looking just ahead all the time and telling Chet to go up this hill, down that hill, stop right here, etc. At one point, he even said something like, "Whoa! That was pretty fast!" (Chet wasn't speeding, but it was one of those little hills that causes your stomach to jump just a little bit.) Suddenly, I was so proud! I reached back, patted Ladan on the leg, and said, "I'm so excited to see that we're raising the next generation of backseat drivers!" Chet made some comment under his breath threatening to shut down our operation, but he couldn't help smiling because it was really funny!


KrayonKel said...


So funny what they say. :)

Chelsea said...

That's so funny! what is "the big Chelsea"?

Phyllis said...

The big Chelsea is YOU! :) Chelsea McKanna is the little Chelsea. Ladan obviously had a fun time with you if he wanted to sit by you at dinner on Monday and thanked God for you later!