Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Hummus Pack-Pack

We have had a pretty amazing 24 hours in the potty training department. We had Ladan in diapers until yesterday around 5pm. He had demonstrated that he was holding it well enough to attempt to venture out to the store without a diaper... as an experiment, of course. I went prepared with a change of clothes for him, plenty of wipes, and his little fold-up potty seat just in case he might possibly be willing to use the public restroom without totally freaking out (it is a pretty scary place sometimes).

We went to several stores. Somewhere along the way, I had to go, so Ladan went along with me. I decided to get out his little potty seat and see if he'd sit on the toilet... and HE DID IT!!!!! I was totally excited, so much so that he got a present. This was a HUGE step in the potty training venture, as he has always been petrified of this before.

When we got home, he went to the potty again, and I went to get a diaper for him to wear to bed. He asked if he could wear his underpants to bed. He has had dry nights most of the time for the last couple of weeks, so I agreed. And guess what! He stayed dry in his underpants too. Then he went the entire day, including his nap, without wetting his pants. We are very excited!!!!

While we were at the store last night, I decided to look for a backpack for Ladan. I've been looking for one that's small enough for him for a while, but they're all massive... or they're Nike and are therefore $28. I'm sorry, but a 3-year-0ld most likely doesn't need a $28 backpack... even though the Nike one was pretty cool. Well, we were at Target, and we found the section of kids backpacks in with the luggage. He chose a Thomas the Train backpack that is plenty small for him but plenty big to carry a change of clothes, his water and snack, and some toys/books. He still calls Thomas "Hummus", and he calls his backpack a "pack-pack". When we were at the check-out counter, Ladan was being very friendly to the not-so-friendly cashier. He announced to her, "I've got Hummus on my pack-pack!" She looked at him like he was crazy, and when he thanked her and told her to have a good night, she didn't even respond. Let's just hope that he overwhelmed her with kindness and moved her to speechlessness. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, anyway.

1 comment:

Lily of the Valley said...

What a great Mommy day! Hope my potty training days (way down the road) go was well as yours did.