We have approximately 980 square feet in our apartment, so I have never been completely satisfied with the fact that 4-8 of those square feet are designated to laundry baskets at any given point in time. It doesn't seem like a lot, but I am constantly rounding the corner of my bathroom or the hallway and staring at laundry baskets. These new baskets fold up to become completely flat, and they can become even more compact if I flip them up into little 6" circles (kind of like a windshield sun shade for your car). Needless to say, since they can just fold up and fit between the wall and the washer, there is absolutely no reason I'll need to look at them unless there is laundry to be put away.
The home organization section at our Target store is right beside the toy section, so Ladan and I ended up traveling down through the aisle displaying all the cars, airplanes, bulldozers, and other such Matchbox-sized vehicles. We happened to look up at the section of Cars toys, and he found several that have been hard to come by. We loaded up Sheriff, The King, Fillmore, and Sarge, and he decided to pay for them with his "happy birthday money". He laid them in the cart right by his side until we made our way up to the counter about 20 minutes later. During this 20-minute interval, he was gracious enough to help me choose the appropriate colors of shorts, laundry baskets and bathroom hand towels (an invaluable service in my world). When we finally reached the register, he handed his cars to the cashier, handed over his money, accepted his change and receipt, and told the man to "have a nice day".
We loaded our bags into the car and set out for home (I'm not sure which one of us was more excited to tell Chet about our finds). When we got out of the car, Ladan was responsible for carrying his own bag. He was so excited to finally get into the house, take them out of their packages, and show Daddy. He kept shouting, "Look what I got with my happy birthday money!" He's growing up!
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