Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Family Planning Post #11: Helpful Bible Study

We've taken time to describe our experiences with birth control methods, established why we believe that conception (as opposed to implantation or some later point) is the moment of imparted personhood, and discussed in greater detail the various methods of birth control that are commonly used in our society today. So, what do we do with all of this information? How can we make wise and biblically sound decisions regarding birth control? What is ultimately acceptable, and what is not?

To help you think through this, I'm going to include a helpful Bible study that was written by Jonathan Anderson, the brother of one of my very best friends here in Louisville. Jonathan wrote this Bible Study as part of the culmination of lots of research on the issue of family planning. I hope it's a blessing to you! You'll want to print it off and write your answers in a different space, because I didn't leave enough room between lines in this post. Here it is...


Laying the Foundation
While the Bible does not speak directly to the issues of family planning and contraceptive use as we know them today, it does contain principles regarding family and planning that allow us to form a biblical understanding of these issues.

Understanding Marriage
What purposes for marriage does God lay out in the following passages:

  • Genesis 1:26-31
  • Genesis 2:18-25
  • Malachi 2:15
  • Ephesians 5:22-32

Understanding Children
How do the following passages teach that children are to be viewed in marriage:

  • Genesis 1:28
  • Genesis 33:5
  • Psalm 113:9
  • Psalm 127
  • Psalm 128

In what ways are children a blessing?

In what ways does our culture manifest a different view of children?

Understanding Planning
Read the following verses. Summarize what they teach about planning.

  • Proverbs 15:22
  • Proverbs 20:18
  • Proverbs 21:5
  • Proverbs 16:9
  • Proverbs 19:21
  • James 4:13-17

How should these principles affect your attitudes in family planning?

Examining the Issue – Birth Control

Is it prohibited? The most commonly cited text as a prohibition against birth control is
Genesis 38:8-10. Read it and Deuteronomy 25:5-6. Was God angry about the “birth control” or was there a deeper issue? If so what?

Is every use of it acceptable?
Nearly all evangelical scholars agree that there is no biblical prohibition against birth control in principle, but that it is an area in which God gives freedom to make a wise, biblically grounded decision. However, as with any freedom, there are biblical principles that limit it (Consider doing a Bible Study on Decision Making if you are unfamiliar with the biblical process for making decisions). Think back to the passages you have already read. List the principles from them that should “regulate” your use of birth control (Consider what method you will use, when you will use it, and the attitude with which you are to have when using it.)
What other principles should regulate your use of birth control based on the following:

  • Hebrews 13:4
  • Psalm 139:13-16
  • 1 Timothy 5:8

Your Family Planning:
What are God’s purposes for your marriage?

What is your view of having children? Is it the same as God’s view?

Who is ultimately in control of the size of your family? Do you trust Him in this area?

Do you desire to prevent or limit having children? Why?

Are these godly desires or selfish desires?

Are you planning on using birth control?

What methods are you considering?

Are these biblically acceptable methods? If you don’t know, do some more research about the methods (your pastor or counselor can recommend appropriate resources).

Summarize your plan for family planning – include what you will use, when you will use it, how long you plan to use it, and the attitudes you will seek to maintain while you use it.

Look back over the biblical principles you identified in this study. Does your plan fit with all of these principles? If not, how do you need to change it?

Who is at least one other godly person you can seek counsel from before making a final decision on this issue?

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