Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What You Don't Know Will Usually Hurt You

I've decided that this is a good theme for life.

If you don't know the Word of God, you'll stumble into sin and suffer consequences for something that you may not have even known was sinful (but since we're accountable for even those sins we don't know about, we have to take the consequences).

If you don't do research about your own health conditions and recommended courses of action, you may end up doing something that's actually pretty terrible for your body, or worse yet, you could make decisions about the care of your kids that lead to problems for them.

If you don't ask questions about why a person is making choices to act or speak in a certain way, you'll likely draw your own conclusions, which are often incorrect.

If you don't figure out how to handle finances, you'll likely make some pretty major mistakes and end up either in debt or with a whole lot less in savings than you may have otherwise had. Granted, there can be unpredictable and overwhelming things that come up, but if you don't learn how to handle your money at all, very simple things can seem overwhelming when they don't need to be.

If you don't know anything about a company you're applying for, you're not likely to get the job. Why would they hire someone who didn't do enough research to at least know what they're applying for?

If you don't know what's in your food (and what's NOT in your food), you'll likely buy into whatever marketing scheme is most effective... or you'll just do what's easiest or tastiest... and you'll probably end up pumping your body with way too much junk and not nearly enough nutrients.

If you don't know the Word of God, you won't have it as a resource stored up in your heart/mind when you most need it... and you'll be more likely to act according to your flesh instead of according to the Lord's will.

I could go on. Now, don't misread this. I am not saying that a person can avoid all peril and hardship if only they know enough. I am, however, saying that I think we spend way too much time making poor decisions, often because we're simply ignorant... and not enough time in the Word and reading/researching to learn the facts in order to make GOOD decisions.

Thanks to all of you who help me continually develop my thinking skills, point me to good resources, and help me make better choices. I pray that the Lord continues to provide people like you in my life until I die!

1 comment:

Isaac Johnson said...

I definitely think that's some wise counsel. Ignorance really isn't bliss!